Verifee Glossary
Making sense of the complex
AAA is a comprehensive framework used in network management and security that stands for "Authentication, Authorization, and Accounting.
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ABA Transit Routing Number
An ABA transit routing number, commonly referred to as a route transit number or RTN, is a unique nine-digit code used to identify a specific financial institution.
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Access Control
Access control refers to the security mechanisms and protocols used to restrict and regulate the availability of information or information-processing resources to only those persons or applications that are authorized.
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Account Data
Account data is a collective term for information related to a cardholder’s financial account, comprising both cardholder data and sensitive authentication data.
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Acculynk by First Data
Acculynk is a suite of payment solutions provided by First Data, designed to enhance electronic payment processing for eCommerce merchants and other entities.
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The Automated Clearing House (ACH) is a vital electronic network that facilitates a broad spectrum of financial transactions within the United States.
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Acquirer Reference Number (ARN) and Acquiring Bank
An Acquirer Reference Number (ARN) is a unique identifier used in credit card transactions.
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Address Verification Service
AVS is a security measure employed to prevent credit card fraud by verifying the billing address provided by a customer against the address records held by the credit card issuer.
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An adjustment in the context of payment processing is an action taken by an acquiring bank to correct an error associated with a transaction.
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Administrative Access
Administrative access refers to the elevated or increased privileges granted to certain accounts, allowing them to manage systems, networks, and applications.
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Adware is a type of malicious software designed to force computers to automatically display or download advertising content.
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AES, short for Advanced Encryption Standard, is a block cipher utilized in symmetric key cryptography.
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Affiliate Fraud
Affiliate fraud is a deceptive practice where a fraudster, pretending to be a legitimate affiliate marketer, manipulates traffic or makes fraudulent purchases to earn higher payouts.
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Affinity Card
An affinity card is a type of credit card issued in partnership between a credit card issuer and a specific organization or collective group, such as a professional organization, alumni group, or association for retirees.
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AFT, or Automatic Funds Transfer, refers to the electronic movement of funds between bank accounts using advanced electronic or telecommunications technology.
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Afterpay is a buy now, pay later (BNPL) service owned by Square, which provides customers with the option to purchase items and pay for them in installments over a six-month period.
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Agent Bank
An agent bank is a financial institution that participates in the acquiring program of another bank.
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Aggregator Merchant
An aggregator merchant acts as an intermediary between individual merchants and an acquirer.
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AliPay is a significant third-party mobile and online payments platform owned by the Alibaba Group®, established in February 2004.
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Alternative Payment Methods (APM)
Alternative Payment Methods (APMs) encompass a range of payment options that deviate from traditional credit and debit card transactions.
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Amazon One
Amazon One is an innovative payment method developed by Amazon that enables customers to make purchases using their palm print as identification.
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American Express (AmEx)
American Express, commonly known as AmEx, is a multinational financial services corporation headquartered in New York City.
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AMEX SafeKey
AMEX SafeKey is a security feature implemented by American Express as a part of the 3D Secure protocol, which enhances the safety of online transactions.
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Annual Fee
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ANSI stands for the American National Standards Institute, a private, non-profit organization that plays a crucial role in overseeing the U.
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Anti-Money Laundering
Anti-Money Laundering (AML) encompasses a comprehensive set of laws, regulations, and procedures implemented globally to prevent individuals and entities from disguising illegally obtained funds as legitimate income.
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Anti-virus software is a program designed to detect, remove, and provide ongoing protection against various forms of malicious software, commonly referred to as "malware.
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AOC (Attestation of Compliance)
AOC stands for "Attestation of Compliance," a crucial document used by merchants and service providers to confirm their adherence to the requirements of the PCI DSS (Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard).
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AOV (Attestation of Validation)
AOV stands for "Attestation of Validation," a formal document used by assessors and/or laboratories to confirm the findings of an assessment as outlined in the applicable Report on Validation.
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API (Application Programming Interface)
An API, or Application Programming Interface, is a set of rules and protocols for building and interacting with software applications.
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Apple Pay
Apple Pay is a comprehensive digital wallet and mobile payment service developed by Apple Inc.
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In the context of technology and software, an application refers to any software program or group of programs designed for end users.
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In the context of financial transactions, an approval is the confirmation provided by the cardholder or check writer's bank that a transaction is authorized and can proceed.
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Arbitration in the context of credit card transactions is a formal dispute resolution process used by credit card issuing companies to determine the definitive responsibility for a chargeback between the involved parties, typically the card issuer and the acquirer (the entity processing payment transactions on behalf of a merchant).
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Assessments are specific types of processing fees that merchants are required to pay to Card Associations, such as Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and others.
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In the context of financial services, associations refer to entities established to administer and promote the use of credit cards and payment cards.
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ASV (Approved Scanning Vendor)
ASV stands for "Approved Scanning Vendor," a designation given to companies that have been authorized by the PCI Security Standards Council (PCI SSC) to conduct external vulnerability scanning services.
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Asynchronous vs. Synchronous Communication:
Asynchronous Communication: Asynchronous communication refers to a method of data transmission in which data elements are sent independently of each other without a common clock signal.
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ATM (Automated Teller Machine)
An ATM, or Automated Teller Machine, is an unattended electronic banking terminal that allows customers to perform a variety of financial transactions autonomously.
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Audit Log (Audit Trail)
An audit log, also known as an audit trail, is a chronological record that captures the detailed sequence of activities, events, and operations within a system or process.
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In the realm of payment processing, authentication refers to the process by which a customer's identity is verified before a transaction is allowed to proceed.
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Authorization is a critical step in the payment process where a merchant seeks verification from the customer's card issuer to confirm that the credit or debit card being used has sufficient funds available to cover the transaction amount.
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Auto-Close is an automated process utilized within electronic payment systems where daily batches of transactions are systematically summarized and transmitted for end-of-day settlement.
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Automated Teller Machine (ATM)
An ATM, or Automated Teller Machine, is a self-service banking terminal that allows customers to perform basic financial transactions without the need for a teller or branch representative.
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Automatic Funds Transfer
Automatic funds transfer, commonly referred to as direct debits, is a financial service that allows customers to schedule payments to be automatically withdrawn from their checking or savings accounts.
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Average Monthly Volume (AMV)
Average Monthly Volume, commonly abbreviated as AMV, refers to the typical amount of transactions processed by an organization, such as a merchant or payment processor, within a month.
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Average Ticket (Average Selling Price, ASP)
Average Ticket, also known as Average Selling Price (ASP), refers to the average dollar amount of a typical sale or transaction processed through a merchant's account.
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AVS (Address Verification System)
AVS, or Address Verification System, is a security measure used to verify the billing address provided by a customer against the address on file with the credit card issuer.
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